We know that finding great website help can be a painstaking process.
It’s typically not as easy as buying a computer or software, where the pricing and details are all spelled out. After building and selling custom websites for twenty years, we decided to take what we had learned and make the process easier. Here’s what we came up with:
1. Clean, uncluttered design.
The designs we offer draw on years of experience to provide our clients with a clean, appealing, easy-to-use website. Our designs create a balance between form and function that will provide your customers with all the information they need, while giving them a positive impression of your business.
2. QuickLaunch websites that offer low cost, full service website development.
QuickLaunch websites provide a low cost solution for small businesses that don’t want to mess with do-it-yourself services like SquareSpace or Wix. Some of our clients have used DIY services and know how hard it is to get good results. We offer professional website development for just slightly more than you’ll pay using a DIY solution.
3. Quality service pricing.
Our pricing structure is set to ensure a high level of quality and service throughout the website development process. Our low overhead means that our prices are often much lower than firms with dedicated offices.
4. WordPress for content management.
WordPress is the largest self-hosted blogging tool and content management system (CMS) in the world. Because of its easy to use interface and rock solid coding, it powers around 39% of the websites online.
WordPress makes it easy for you, or your staff, to update the content on your website without having to understand web design or website development. Once we build the website you’ll have the ability to edit the text or add new pages. Of course we can handle all content updates if you choose not to do it internally.
5. Personal service and ongoing maintenance.
It is very important to us that each client gets the personal service they deserve. We will work hard to make sure you’re well taken care of and completely satisfied with every step of the process. We prefer running a small design service where we can work directly with our clients throughout each part of the process.
6. Website portability.
It’s often hard to move your website once it’s been built, not because web developers want to keep you captive, but because of logistical problems inherent with moving websites. We set out to solve this problem in order to make the buying process easier and less stressful for our prospective clients. It’s always easier to enter a transaction if you know the long-term commitment is not completely binding.
Although setting up a way for my clients to easily leave seems counter-productive, we saw it as a priority when looking at the options from our clients perspective.
7. Attention to detail.
One of the issues we’ve worked to overcome is the complexity of building high quality WordPress websites. We’ve created a 68 point checklist to ensure uniformity for all the sites we build. The checklist makes sure that no single important feature or security measure is left out.
Our goal is to provide you with everything you need to make an informed, comfortable, buying decision. To learn more about what we offer give us a call at 706-338-1464 and let us answer your questions.
Delwin Holeman — Owner, Rocquett Websites